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Ingredients:Flos Chrysanthemi, Cordate Houttuynia, Bulbus Lilii, Apricot Kernel, Exocarpium Citri Rubrum, Green Tea Characteristics and


1. Cleanses lung; kills bacteria and virus inside the respiratory system;

2. Increases the amount of immunoglobulin; enhances immunity of the body;

3. Activates lymphokine which kills virus in the respiratory system directly; 4. Resolves and expectorates phlegm rapidly; 5. Provides oxygen for repairing damaged mucosa; enhances the activity of lung epithelial tissues; 6. Relieves cough and asthma; 7. Strengthens the pulmonary ventilation.

Suitable for:

* People with respiratory diseases such as pulmonary TB, asthma, chronic cough

* People working in air-polluted environment

* Smokers or second-hand smokers Key knowledge:

* Pulmonary diseases According to statistics of World Health Organization, there are 510 million patients suffering from pulmonary diseases at present. World Health Organization forecasts that pulmonary diseases will become the third biggest cause of death all over the world by 2030. Environmental pollution and flu are the main causes leading to pulmonary problems.

* Flos Chrysanthemi can alleviate inflammation, nourish the lung, and has anti-virus and antiaging effects.

* Cordate Houttuynia is used for treating bronchitis, pneumonia, cough and asthma.

* Bulbus Lilii nourishes the lung, relieves cough, and possesses beneficial effects on dry cough and blood-stained sputum caused by excessive heat in lungs. It is also effective in alleviating deficiency of vital energy, pulmonary tuberculosis, and hemoptysis, etc.

* Apricot Kernel contains amygdalin that can be hydrolyzed by intestinal microbial enzymes or emulsin contained in the Bitter Apricot Seed. It can relieve cough and asthma."


Clear Lung Tea

SKU: 284215376135191
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